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CES Routing #: 244180537

Incoming Wire Instructions

Wiring money is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get money to and from another financial institution. If you are looking to wire money into your CES account, here is what you will need to know:

1.) Sender will wire funds to:
Corporate One Federal Credit Union
8700 Orion Place
Columbus, OH 43240
Routing Number:  244084264
(The funds must go to Corporate One Federal Credit Union first before being routed to CES Credit Union)


2.) For Further Credit:
CES Credit Union, Inc
P. O. Box 631
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Routing Number:  244180537

then also include the following: 
Final Beneficiary:
Must reference all of this information...

  • Name
  • Address
  • Account Number
  • Purpose of Payment

If the sending institution is requesting a SWIFT code or for any other questions, please contact us at (740) 397-1136.