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CES Routing #: 244180537


Know the power of asking your money to do more. Your investment questions deserve personal attention. Steve Franko is on site to assist our CES Credit Union members with investment and retirement planning needs. His years of experience will help provide advice to help you enjoy today and tomorrow and make some of the most important financial decisions in life.

  • Will I have enough money to retire?
  • Is your IRA properly invested?
  • What about my 401k and rollover options?
  • Do I have enough life insurance?
  • Should I review my beneficiary designations?
  • How will I pay for long term care?

Call me for a free, no-obligation consultation at (740) 397-1136 ext 122, email me at or meet me at any of CES Credit Union's Service Centers upon request.

Independence Capital Company
Not NCUA or NCUSIF insured. May lose value. No credit union guarantee.

Securities offered through Independence Capital Company, Inc., 5579 Pearl Road, Suite 100, Cleveland, OH 44129, Phone (440) 888-7000. CES Credit Union, Inc. and Independence Capital Company, Inc. are both individual owned and operated.

Form CRS

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